Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Let's talk about sleep deprivation and haircuts

So our precious, beautiful, fabulous baby has not been sleeping well the last few days. No nap yesterday, woke-up this morning at 5:45am, and JUST started to take a nap right now after I took him for his first haircut which he cried/screamed/squirmed his way through. I have to say, I understand why sleep deprivation is used as a torture device. Nothing makes me, and apparently my child, more irritable or pissed off than not having enough sleep. Nick was a saint this morning and took Jost after I changed him. I got to sleep in until 8:30am. PRICELESS!

There's also a lot of activity going on for Jost right now. He spent part of Monday (with us) and part of today (without us) at his new daycare. It's very small, only 4 kids, and one of our friends has their 19-month-old son there, so that will be great for Jost. He did a great job when he was there, but when he came home he kind of melted down a little (read: screaming bloody murder until we popped some hot dogs in his mouth). We are still trying to figure out what behaviors are simply baby/kid stuff and what are traumatic/anxious responses since he is still attaching to us and very new to our family and his house and his life. I think because Jost is pretty great most of the time it's hard for me when he is not pleasant. I also think I am still getting used to being a parent and that this is a transition for Nick and I, too. I am trying to cut myself some slack, but it's definitely hard sometimes since I want to be a perfect parent yet sometimes need to acknowledge when I need a break.

I am happy to report that Jost's haircut looks really cute. I will take a picture of it and post it within the next few days. I love my son but I also want to be honest about our journey and what it's like to be a parent to an internationally adopted child. In the infamous words of my friend Kim, I am just "keeping it on the REAL". Now I am going to drain a glass of wine and take a shower!

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